Sbi Personal Accident Insurance 1000
Minggu, 01 Maret 2020
Personal insurance
SBI Personal Accident Insurance. The joint venture between Insurance Australia group and State Bank of India created SBI general insurance Company Ltd. The total capital ratio is 74 %: 26 % by SBI and IAG. We are the best banking franchise in India. We have over 19600 branches which is expected to be the largest in the entire world.. Introduction . Life is full of uncertainties and being the earning member of the family it is our responsibility to protect our family in the situations of financial distress .So to solve your worry in these situations, SBI General Insurance has Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy that is specially designed for you..
SBI General’s Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy covers: Loss of Life due to Accident; The Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy can be bought by any permanent Indian resident having Savings Bank Account/Individual Current Account holders, if opted with State Bank of India or any of its associate banks and aged between 18 years to 65 Years..