Car Accident Injury Insurance
Jumat, 03 April 2020
Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. An automobile accident can damage far more than your car. Medical bills, lost wages and other expenses can add up quickly and put a serious dent in your bank account. Personal injury protection, also known as PIP insurance, can help defray such costs and even help protect your friends and family after a covered accident.. In general, any medically necessary treatment your doctor recommends for your car accident injuries is covered under Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). Specific benefits include: Outpatient physical and occupational therapy for car accident injuries is generally covered under Medicare Part B, up to the therapy cap limit. In 2019, the limit is $2,040 for physical therapy and speech-language therapy combined, and $2,040 for occupational therapy..
Exactly how much ultimate responsibility a particular party or insurance carrier has can depend on a number of factors -- including any deductible or co-pay on the policy (or policies) in play, who was at fault for the car accident, and the types of car insurance coverage in place. Ultimately, most health insurance plans/policies will cover car accident injury bills, at least up to a point, but your health insurer might not ultimately be on the financial hook..