Insurance Companies That Cover Pregnancy
Jumat, 03 April 2020
You're Pregnant: Breaking the News to Your Insurance Company This article contains important questions about pregnancy coverage, which you should present to your insurance representative . After you break the news to your husband , the next in line to hear the story might very well be your health-insurance agent.. Top 5 Maternity Insurance Plans 1. Royal Sundaram Master Product - Total Health Plus. 2. Apollo Munich Insurance - Easy Health Family Floater. 3. Max Bupa - Heartbeat Family Floater. 4. ManipalCigna Health Insurance - ProHealth Plus Plan. 5. Star Health Wedding Gift Pregnancy Cover..
Prior to the Affordable Care Act, only a handful of insurance plans automatically provided maternity coverage. For some plans, such coverage had to be requested as an addition. Also, if a woman tried to apply for maternity coverage after she became pregnant, coverage was oftentimes either unavailable or more expensive.. Maternity coverage is one of the 10 essential health benefits that must be covered by all health insurance plans offered to individuals, families, and small groups. Health insurance for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn baby care became mandatory in 2014 under the Affordable Care Act..