Personal National Insurance Rates 2018/19

Do I need to pay National Insurance? For the 2020-21 tax year, employees must pay National Insurance is they earn more than £9,500 in the year. This is up from £8,632 in 2019-20 and £8,424 in 2018-19. Self-employed workers will pay Class 2 contributions if they earn more than £6,475, in addition to Class 4 if they earn more than £9,500.. Self-employed National Insurance rates. If you're self-employed, you could pay two types of National Insurance. You pay Class 2 contributions if you're self-employed, which are a flat rate of £3.05 per week in 2020-21, up from £3 per week in 2019-20.. UK PAYE Tax Rates and Allowances 2018/19 We have published a quick reference to the significant changes to the tax rates and bands, personal tax allowances and national insurance figures which come into effect from April 6th 2018.. National Insurance (NI) is a fundamental component of the welfare state in the United Kingdom.It acts as a form of social security, since payment of NI contributions establishes entitlement to certain state benefits for workers and their families.. Introduced by the National Insurance Act 1911 and expanded by the Labour government in 1948, the system has been subjected to numerous amendments ....

nic thresholds & rates - brightpay documentation

Personal Income Tax Tax rates and allowances (Table A) For the tax year 2018/19, the main tax-free personal allowance is increased to £11,850 (up from £11,500), and the basic rate of tax applies – in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – to the next £34,500 of income (up from £33,500).. Voluntary ‘Class 2’ National Insurance rates If you’re self-employed or have been working abroad, you may be able to pay voluntary Class 2 contributions instead. Class 2 NICs are currently flat-rate weekly contributions of £3.05 per week in 2020-21..

income tax*

National Insurance rates 2018-19. The amount of National Insurance you pay is worked out in a similar way to income tax. National Insurance is calculated on gross earnings (before tax or pension deductions) above an 'earnings threshold'. Your employer will deduct Class 1 National Insurance contributions from your: salary. commission or bonuses .... Interest and Repayment Supplement rates can be found in Practice Note PN 154/09. For information on VAT see Customs and Excise. National Insurance Rates and Thresholds. N.B. Rates were correct for the relevant tax year but may since have risen to the highest rate in force..